Join the Movement

How did movement become trivialized? How did testing become the only measure of a child’s success? We must allow for whole child development.

Let’s bridge the gap between academics and the social, emotional and healthy well-being of children.

The LiiNK Center for Healthy Play was established to help schools and communities across the nation implement quality outdoor play and develop character skills in our children. We have produced positive mental and physical health results in children across all types of schools and diverse student populations. By providing teacher and administrator training, leadership development, and adjusting policies in the schools, the LiiNK Center is committed to providing all children a more cohesive learning environment.

Become a LiiNK School

It’s time we strengthen the public school system through better health, higher social expectations and quality time in the classroom. Working toward fewer standardized tests will develop student confidence and self-esteem when it comes to their education. When a student is no longer labeled by a score we’ll create more passion in students to learn and experience less burnout.

Get the book that sparked a movement.

Finland is an educational superpower, despite breaking almost every “rule” we Americans think we know about education. Wrong Turns, Right Moves in Education (Archway, 2019) investigates the differences in these systems, advocating for an educational model that focuses on quality over quantity and the social emotional growth of children through play.

Specialized Training for Schools, Organizations & Community

Heading into a new school year with tools from this workshop has shifted my mindset from expecting the same old school with the same old problems to a very optimistic shift in how I will work with my teaching staff and children.

Educational Administrator

We need to incorporate the LiiNK principles into our summer camps. The training on Power of Outdoor Play changed the way we view the outdoors and why play is so important. We would recommend this to any other organization.

Parks & Rec Staff

Tune into our podcast every Thursday.

The Right Moves Podcast features conversations regarding whole child and adult health. This podcast will focus on the current state of U.S. education systems, the health of our nation, and what the right moves are to develop wholeness again in all of us.

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