Dr. Rhea will be presenting at this virtual event.
Presentation title: The healing properties of unstructured, outdoor play
Presentation description: This is a two hour interactive workshop covering several topics focused on healing children through recess/play. Recess, defined as unstructured, outdoor play will be discussed in great detail. Play has profound biological effects on children and adolescents. Consequently, this has direct effects on how they feel, behave, and function as they mature. Interestingly, play promotes survival, problem solving capabilities, joy, intellectual flexibility & dexterity, and social competence. Therefore, the topics of focus are 1) the benefits and differences between unstructured and structured, outdoor play; 2) the necessary types of play to include; 3) healing properties of recess when offered with the child in mind; 4) adult role during play/recess; 5) playground/nature designs that children love to engage in; 6) Q&A.