
U.S PLAY Conference 2022

Our team will be attending the annual PLAY conference again to learn from play researchers and educators, as well as to present about the LiiNK Project and current findings.

Student Research Symposium at TCU Library

Dave Farbo, Daryl Campell-Pierre, Kate Webb, Kelsey Kirby, and Olivia Beyer will be presenting on studies related to whole child health through LiiNK.

Inside Out! Child and Nature Network Conference

Hyatt Regency Atlanta Atlanta, GA, United States

Leaders from a broad range of sectors—all committed to the health and well-being of children and communities—come together to explore best practices for turning our indoor society back out to the benefits of nature. Dr. Rhea will be in attendance.

Hancock Symposium at Westminster College

Westminster College Fulton, MO

Dr. Rhea will be presenting at this event. Day/time of presentation TBD Presentation title: The secret sauce of a healthy life Summary: Although play often appears to have no end or purpose and is treated more as a child’s role, it does have profound biological effects on the normal functions of living across the lifespan. […]